Forms and Resources
Youth Permission Packet
All youth must receive a copy of the Youth Permission Packet, review it with their parent/guardian, obtain all necessary signatures and submit it upon arrival to the Great Wolf Lodge during registration.
Youth will not be allowed to attend the Spring Youth Forum without submitting all necessary signed forms.
Forms should NOT be sent directly to the Health Care Authority. Please submit signed and completed packets upon arrival to the Great Wolf Lodge.
Scholarship Application Form
Team Adult Advisor (TAA)/Chaperone Guidelines
Please read the TAA/Chaperone Guidelines carefully as it contains important information about the role and responsibilities of the TAA/Chaperone.
Youth Workbook: Applying the Strategic Prevention Framework
All teams are encouraged to develop a prevention project that aligns with known planning models for prevention science. The Youth Workbook is available as a resource and requires a Team Adult Advisor’s assistance in facilitating to youth.